And how to approach it

Getting started...

We know that climate change will affect the lives of younger generations the most, but it’s going to take help from all generations to prevent the worst from happening. That's why...

one of the most powerful things you can do is to get your parents to care about the climate.

Before you start
Here’s some helpful tips to keep in mind
Use the facts
Everyone loves facts. You can’t argue with them (that’s kind of the point). That’s why we loaded this guide with lots of facts that you can share (plus lots of sources if they want it straight from a scientist’s mouth!)
Bring solutions
A problem is frustrating. But a solution is empowering. Climate change conversations always go better when they end with "and here’s what you can do about it!”
Make it about your future
Ask them how they want to be remembered. If you want kids someday, what stories will you tell them about their grandparents? You’re gonna be here awhile, so help them understand that taking care of the planet is like taking care of you.
is key
You may have to have this conversation with them more than once. AND THAT’S OK! Change can take time, and slow progress is better than no progress. But don’t give up. Find multiple ways to show them you care, and that it’s important that they do too.
Make it exciting
Stopping climate change doesn’t have to be painful. It means creating a future that’s cleaner, healthier and more beautiful. Making that future possible should be something we look forward to, not something we dread.
Who doesn’t want
to live here?
If they see that you are really passionate about something, they’ll pay attention.
Remember you love the planet, and they love you. So use that to your advantage! You can be the domino that gets them to take action at home, at their work, with their friends, and who knows where else.